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Pickup trucks and Debutantes

Updated: May 31, 2018

What I love about the South, is that we embrace everything about it! Yesterday at our store, I received a new line of popular jewelry that features palmetto bugs (or cockroaches to the uninformed). All I could think about is that in this season of debutantes, I am showcasing


But that is what makes us who we are - traditions, tea parties, pickup trucks, shotguns and oyster roasts. All are intertwined in the American South.

No matter what the socio-economic status, there are few Southern girls that haven't had to plan around football and opening day of hunting season for any event in the Fall. As teenagers, we have been muddin', spent a hot day at sliding rock, and at the same time knew we had to write those thank you notes or momma would be mad.

The days of calling cards and white gloves may be slipping away, but trucks, debutantes and football will be here forever! #pickuptruck #southerngirls

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